About the Specific Plan
The City of Belmont is developing the Harbor Industrial Area (HIA) Specific Plan to create a dynamic and sustainable land use guide that balances anticipated growth and development of the area that best serves the community and facilitates a thriving economy. The goals of the plan are:
Collaborate with San Mateo County to annex the HIA area to Belmont
Guide new development and construction
Strategically plan for the economic vitality of the district
Address environmental needs, including flooding from storm events and Belmont Creek
Explore the addition of residential uses in specified areas of the district
The Harbor Industrial Area (HIA) -- east of El Camino and west of Hwy 101 -- is a 62-acre site identified in Belmont’s 2017 General Plan Update as a special study area. The area is not within Belmont’s limits, but is in the unincorporated area of San Mateo County. The Specific Plan process will provide the groundwork for annexation and integration of the HIA into the City of Belmont. Previous studies have indicated that HIA annexation would diversify Belmont’s existing labor source and add to the City’s total employment by approximately 20 percent.
Currently the HIA consists largely of industrial land uses, with some commercial uses, and a mobile home park. The Specific Plan is intended to create the conditions for additional land uses including retail, hotel, research and development, and residential. As the area redevelops over time, the creation and preservation of middle-class jobs should be balanced with new office, R&D, and residential development opportunities.
Specific Plan’s Focus Area
The Harbor Industrial Area (HIA) is not within the Belmont city limits, but is in the unincorporated area of San Mateo County to the southeast of the city. The process will provide the groundwork for the annexation and integration into the City of Belmont. The area is bounded by O’Neill Avenue and the Belmont city limits to the north; Old County Road and the Belmont city limits to the west; Belmont Creek and City of San Carlos to the south; and US 101 to the east.
Context Map
Project Schedule and Engagement Overview
The following is an ongoing list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that will be updated throughout the planning process.
+ What is the Belmont Harbor Industrial Area Specific Plan?
The City of Belmont is developing the Harbor Industrial Area (HIA) Specific Plan to create a dynamic and sustainable land use guide that anticipates growth and development that may best serve the community and facilitate a thriving economy. The HIA -- east of El Camino and west of Hwy 101 -- is a 62-acre site identified in Belmont’s 2017 General Plan Update as a special study area. The area is not within Belmont’s limits, but is in the unincorporated area of San Mateo County. The Specific Plan process will provide the groundwork for the annexation and integration of this area into the City of Belmont; the Specific Plan project will take approximately two years to complete, wrapping up in January of 2025. The goals of the plan are:
- Champion district resiliency by thoughtfully planning for the economic vitality of the district
- Develop guidelines for new development and construction
- Collaborate with San Mateo County, and all other partners, to efficiently annex the HIA area into Belmont City limits
- Address environmental and community sustainability priorities , including flooding from storm events and Belmont Creek
- Explore the addition of residential uses in specified areas of the district
+ What area does the Specific Plan apply to?
The Harbor Industrial Area (HIA) is not within the Belmont city limits, but is in the unincorporated area of San Mateo County to the southeast of the city. The Specific Plan process will supplement the annexation program and integration of this area into the City of Belmont. The area is bounded by O’Neill Avenue and the Belmont city limits to the north; Old County Road and the Belmont city limits to the west; Belmont Creek and City of San Carlos to the south; and US 101 to the east.
+ What is a Specific Plan?
A specific plan is a planning, policy, and zoning document that sets a vision for growth and change within a discrete area or district. Typically, a specific plan includes policy directives and design standards to guide changes and improvements in land use (industrial, commercial, residential, and others), transportation, open space and recreation, infrastructure, and building construction. Specific plans also consider the look and feel of the area. A main goal of the Belmont Harbor Industrial Area Specific Plan is to outline the expectations and requirements for new development and change in the area. The City will use the specific plan to guide growth in the area.
+ Why is this process happening right now, and what is the timeline?
In January 2023, Belmont City Council approved the consultant team who will prepare the specific plan and environmental analysis. The process will take about two years, wrapping up in Q1 2025.
+ Will housing be addressed in the Belmont Harbor Industrial Area Specific Plan?
Yes, the potential addition of residential development will be studied within specific areas of the district that have been identified given their proximity to the Belmont Village Specific Plan Area (BVSP).
+ How can I get involved?
The City is committed to making this process inclusive and accessible to all. Please visit our Get Involved page for more information on project events and opportunities to share your feedback.